Saturday, 12 July 2008

Finishing Strong (2)

I already did an article on Finishing Strong, but had to extend this to a second.

There is always new things, but the most important thing is to finish what ever we start. And if you a runner then you know what it mean to actually finish a race is more important than starting one. There's a beautiful story about John Akhwari from Tanzania (Africa)
In 1968, the country of Tanzania selected John Stephen Akhwari to represent it in the Mexico City Olympics. Along the race course for the marathon, Akhwari stumbled and fell, severely injuring his knee and ankle. By 7:00 p.m., a runner from Ethiopia had won the race, and all other competitors had finished and been cared for. Just a few thousand spectators were left in the huge stadium when a police siren at the gate caught their attention. Limping through the gate came Akhwari, his leg wrapped in a bloody bandage. Those present began to cheer as the courageous man completed the final lap of the race. Later, a reporter asked Akhwari the question on every one's mind: "Why did you continue the race after you were so badly injured?" He replied: "My country did not send me 7,000 miles to begin a race; they sent me to finish the race."

I find myself started stuff very easy, but it's now in my life that I find myself in the need to finish well. I started loads of new project and initiatives but the time is now to hand it over and to end them strong. Even though this is not very part of my character, I find an enjoyment in handing stuff over now, and it's like a relay where it need to be a smooth hand over to make it possible for the guys running the next lap well.

Let's finish strong, and well...

Going for Gold Leadership

Friday, 16 May 2008

Running on Empty

After watching the London Marathon, I was just thinking of how
many people are running on empty or running empty along the road?!!
How many of us have stopped next to road without gas/petrol in our cars?
How many times have you gone out running during early mornings without a breakfast? Especially because you don't really want to eat right before a run? Early moring runs will more often than not be without food... I, personally, try to eat at least three hours before any big race, but don't really bother with food in morning on a normal easy run!!

Have you been running on empty in your life or feel that you constantly end up with an empty tank? I felt like this a couple of time where I just couldn't get filled back up. As quicly as I have taken a rest, it doesn't last long and then I'm off... soon 'running' on empty again.

Feel like stopping or just taking a rest to get your energy levels up or at least just filled up a little again.

With small snacks and sipping at a drink in the couple hours leading up to the race, is my advice.
Maybe the thing is to make sure we don't run on empty. Try to fill up regularly. Maybe we should go a bit slower to save some fuel or energy!!

What ever works for you to make sure you're not running on empty or running empty, do it your way... get some rest, slow down, find the right balance, eat well or fill up regarly etc.

Monday, 7 April 2008

Running Wild

Those who are 'Friends' fans like me, would know this scene (one of my favourite) where Phoebe and Rachel goes out running. Phoebe pulls off this ridiculous funny running style. Rachel tries to be very conservative with her own style and even go so far as to try to avoid Phoebe.
How many of us is like Rachel and then you get someone or something that makes you to change?

Why are we so conservative or let me say stuck in our thinking or our ways of doing stuff? The older we get the more we are set in the way we think.

It isn't that easy to change, or to accept change...

The scene doesn't stop there, it goes further and Rachel actually (on her own) tries this 'Running Wild' style of Phoebe. It's like a no worry, don't care style that just expresses everything in Phoebe's heart.

Why don't you try this?
Some of us even got this odd running style, or custom route we run every time. Well, I'm one for challenge and definitely not one for routine... so here it is; 'get out there, do something different, run a different route, go run a mountain trail somewhere, change something, brake free, run wild!!

We need someone or something like Phoebe to influence our old ways, and then maybe let ourselves run wild and free.

Monday, 31 March 2008

Finishing Strong

Anyone familiar with serious running would know the jargon 'Kick' - it means burst of speed, usually a near sprint pace, at the end of the race or run.

As mentioned in one of my previous articles, Last Lap, it's so good to finish or come to the end of the race, with the feeling of satisfaction or accomplishment. It is that exact thing that will bring you back time and time again!

How many of us have been in that last lap or few yards near the end (with everything and everyone around you) and you desperately want to finish strong. After a long race, when you are tired, legs burning, lungs are at their end and somehow you find the last energy to run to the best of your ability. With spectators and other runners urging you on as you fight till the end while you smell victory, even if it's only to complete the race. Finishing Strong!!

It is at the start of a race when the adrenaline is flowing, that I find myself at my best. I love to start things, new things, new challenges. Where other people stand back for the challenge of starting new projects or doing something for the first time, I love everything about it. My whole being shouts with the pleasure for the unknown, the impossible and the courage it takes to head up something new.

I find starting well easy, but it's so important to finish well. To finish strong is maybe one of my biggest challenges right now. To give it the same effort, time and energy at the beginning and the end! To actually finish what I started!! What a challenge!!
Where do I start? One step at a time, small steps at a time. I try to look at small areas where I can get trained in. Like finishing the paint job I started so eagerly, or implement one of my hundreds of dreams I have...
So, we all start a race to actually finish it, why not finish it strong?

Until the next race.............. what if it's the way you finish this one, will determine the way you begin the next one!!

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Always One Step Ahead

The fact that I like running comes from my dad, who "ran" the works.....loads of 10k's, marathons and even 2 ultra marathons.

I remember the days out with him like they were yesterday.
We didn't talk a lot while running, probably because I was trying to breathe.

But I do remember him teaching me something I will never forget, he said 'Always stay one step ahead'!! What a great insight and wisdom that have carried me through life.

If we would be out running, he would push me to the limit and then let me run slightly in front of him.

It gave me confidence... It felt like I was in front... It gave me a head start... It was psychology at it's best.

I tried achieving that experience with everything in me, because I wanted that feeling everytime of being in front, even if it was only one stride. I will always chase the person in front of me, trying to be JUST in front of him.

For me it worked, but I won't say it will be healthy to do ALL the time and surely as you get older and wiser, you don't need to chase the person in front. You just need to stay in front of the person behind you?!!

It also doesn't mean you need to see it as 'staying in front of someone', it could mean staying in front of yourself. Staying 'Always One Step Ahead' in your work, or in management or leadership etc.

We need to excel ourselves, and others, to keep on running well in life. We need to keep on improving and pushing ourselves to stay on top of our game. After a while you will know your limits and talents to know where, when and how much you need to be ALWAYS ONE STEP AHEAD.

Sunday, 16 March 2008

The Extra Mile

This following article is dedicated to a friend called Matt and a young boy Jack.

I just came back from a six mile Sport Relief Charity Race.
We had to run an one mile route like six times, and I must confess I found it boring but also challenging to keep up with how many laps you have done.
A mile is quite a distance for any runner, beginner or elite. Depending when you do it? A quick mile is sometimes easy, at the beginning of your training session act as a warm up and with your 2 year old son it's a long and slow distance.
Well needless to say, but Matt and young Jack did an extra mile, finishing after us...

This makes me think of the extra mile some people will go.
Well, I'm talking about going the extra mile with something or someone.
Matthew 5:41 in the Bible says
'If someone forces you to go one mile, go two miles with him'
That means, if someone asks you to give them a helping hand, give them both!
Do the unexpected, buy the new neighbours pizza on their first night. Fill the tank up of the car you just borrowed. Help someone move house on your weekend off, or help someone paint their house after work. Act on something needed without being asked to do.
If their is something needed to be done at the office, 'Give them to me. I'll do it'
Go the extra mile.....
put in just a little extra effort............
provide just a little more service................
Hear this one, 'if you are willing to do more than you are paid to do, eventually you will be paid to do more than you do'
Successful people simply do more.
If you have a servant heart, to serve a person, leader or will always pay off.

BUT at the end of a run, and you haven't really bargained on it (you might still be far away from home) and you still need to run that distance.

To do the unexpected for someone or something, is going the extra mile!!

Friday, 29 February 2008

The Last Lap

For those who run or been part of running, have had somewhere the opportunity to run the last lap.

That might have been in school in relay races, or a fun race where you long to see the finishing line. Or in a proper professional race where you dash down the finishing 40 yards to stay in front of the other competitors!

We all have been there, where you come back from a nice long holiday heading home. There is nothing like home. There is also this great feeling feeling great. Something you can't put in word to explain something you would only know about if you have been there!!

Where you hear the 'Chariot's of Fire' famous theme song even if they don't play it.
There is freedom with it like a horse sensing home and you are saddle up with it.
There is relief as you know the job is done and the pain is over.
There is satisfaction because you know you done your best
There is accomplishment because your hard work and training have paid off.
There is peace as you know you come to the end and everything else around you doesn't matter!!
There is appreciation because you enjoy the encouragement and the cheering from the side as you come around the last bent.

How many time do you come to the end of a race (one of many) that you know you only have that same feeling for this last bit, until the next race.

Every season, every race is different...............that's it why I like running and I love life.

Monday, 25 February 2008

Why do we always run?

Why do we run?

Why do we run everywhere we go?

If you are like me, you would be the kind of person that is always busy.

I never sit still, always have to be on the move.

If you the same as me, you would find yourself walking around in the house talking on the phone or stand and eat your breakfast!!

I shared before I like running, but I don't love it!!

But it do take me places, for instance if I arrive at a new place, I would go for a run to; one stretch my legs and two to explore.

Downhill is Better?

I personally like running but I don't love it. But it sure teach me loads!!
I will tell you why?
I see every time I go out on the road as a challenge, because that's me.
I DON'T prefer down hill, first because it not good for my knees etc. Second I find it to easy.
I LIKE hills, I ran as hard as I can on hills. I love that, that's me.
It feels as if a hill is mocking me, ' can't' and then I respond 'I will show you'.
I never stop going up on any hill, except at the top and that is the same if I'm on a bike.

Now to bring this to life......That's my life, my personality, the drive in me.
Can I change it, maybe, should I change it, I don't know.
But it is part of me.....I do know how to fight, how to persevere, never give up (even if my legs burn up). I won't back off.
I do know that life is sometimes up hill, but the great thing about every hill, is that there's a up and then a down.
Please down think I'm this monster that like 'No Pain no Gain', no not at all, I know my own limits.
And that's the beauty of this sport, after every hill it's that time to sit back and enjoy the ride!!