I personally like running but I don't love it. But it sure teach me loads!!
I will tell you why?
I see every time I go out on the road as a challenge, because that's me.
I DON'T prefer down hill, first because it not good for my knees etc. Second I find it to easy.
I LIKE hills, I ran as hard as I can on hills. I love that, that's me.
It feels as if a hill is mocking me, 'hahaha.....you can't' and then I respond 'I will show you'.
I never stop going up on any hill, except at the top and that is the same if I'm on a bike.
Now to bring this to life......That's my life, my personality, the drive in me.
Can I change it, maybe, should I change it, I don't know.
But it is part of me.....I do know how to fight, how to persevere, never give up (even if my legs burn up). I won't back off.
I do know that life is sometimes up hill, but the great thing about every hill, is that there's a up and then a down.
Please down think I'm this monster that like 'No Pain no Gain', no not at all, I know my own limits.
And that's the beauty of this sport, after every hill it's that time to sit back and enjoy the ride!!